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Top 1000 Youtubers Analysis


This report presents an analysis of top 1000 YouTubers for November ​2023. Through a descriptive analysis of the data, it aims to uncover ​insights into the top-performing You Tube channels and dynamics ​within the world of content creation.


T-Series from India has amassed a ​staggering 245 million subscribers and ​racked up a whopping 228 billion views.

Most subscribed & ​Viewed Youtuber

ýýýýýýýýý KIMPRO from South Korea ​has received highest yearly earning ​of whopping $163.4 million.

Highest paid ​Youtuber

ABP News from India has highest ​uploads followed by GMA Integrated ​News in News category

Youtuber with ​highest uploads

United States and India are the top ​countries collectively amassing 51% ​of total subscribers.

Countries with ​highest subscribers

MrBeast and DaFuq!?Boom! are gaining ​most subscribers recently.

Recent Popula​r Youtuber​s

Within the past 30 days, Happy Lives and ​Dan-Sa / Daniel Saboya have garnered ​the highest number of views.

Recent views garner ​Youtubers

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Subscribers Channel Preferences

A correlation exists between the category of content and the number of subscribers on YouTube. Content that caters to current ​trends or is popular at a given time could attract a larger subscriber base. Presently, the Entertainment & Music category is ​flourishing. Therefore, creators who aim to entertain, provide comic relief, and offer enjoyable music are more likely to succeed, ​given the latest trends.

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Entertainment & Music are the most ​favored choices among subscribers. ​Entertainment is broad category ​which further includes People, Films, ​Web series, Games, Comedy. Least ​favorite are Autos and Non Profit.

In the last 30 days, the subscribers ​have tipped towards the ​Entertainment channel, where funny, ​animated, and informatively engaging ​videos rule the roost. From the likes of ​MrBeast to Dafuq? Boom! and Jes No ​Limit, people can't get enough of ​these fun and engaging videos and ​shorts!

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Current Trends in Video Views

While there is a correlation between video views and subscriber count, it's important to note that high video views don't necessarily ​guarantee a high subscriber conversion rate. Several other factors come into play, such as easily searchable content, relevance to ​the viewer's interests, and continuous delivery of engaging content by the channel among others.

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Channels like T-series, SET India, and Sony SAB, which ​are in the Hindi language, have garnered the highest ​total views. A contributing factor to their success is the ​high urban population in India.

Interestingly, kid-focused shows such as Diana, Nastya, ​Vlad & Niki, where children showcase fun activities, are ​among the top 10 YouTubers. It appears that children ​are more drawn to such channels than traditional ​cartoon shows. Additionally, their content is translated ​into multiple languages, further expanding their reach.

Although Happy Lives and Dan - Sa have the most ​Video views for last 30 days, still it is not among the top ​five channels with the most subscribers during that ​same time. This observation suggests that an increase ​in video views does not automatically translate to an ​increase in subscribers.

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The relationship between the number of Uploads and Video views/ Subscribers on YouTube can vary and is influenced by several ​factors. It's important to note that the YouTube platform is dynamic, and factors influencing video performance can change over ​time. Success on YouTube often involves a combination of factors, including content quality, audience engagement, and ​understanding and adapting to changes in the subscribers’ choices.

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Just because you upload more, doesn't mean you'll get more views. From the graph above- it's clear that although News creators ​upload the most, they don't get the most views. On the other hand, Entertainment, Music, and People-centric content all seem to ​have the most views, even if they don't upload as often. Music, for example, might have fewer uploads, but old videos get played on ​repeat, keeping those view counts soaring.

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Population Relation

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Interestingly, South Korea, Colombia, ​and Argentina might not be in the top ​15 for urban population, but they're still ​big earners! That means there's a ​whole bunch of non-urban folks tuning ​into YouTube and bringing in revenue ​for content creators!

However, it seems like popularity of ​YouTubers has nothing to do with ​unemployment rate of a nation.

US, India, Brazil, and the UK are ​among the top countries with the ​highest number of YouTubers, and ​these countries are also characterized ​by high urban populations. The most ​successful YouTubers in these nations ​tend to deliver their content in native ​language or English. Hence, these ​YouTubers are garnering subscribers ​from from all around the globe!

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  • Average Years to become successful Youtuber
  • Population and language
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Basis data, becoming a top 100 YouTuber in terms of ​high subscribers takes an average of 12 years. In ​contrast, achieving top 100 status in terms of high ​average earnings takes an average of 9 years.

Providing content in one's native language can lead to ​more subscribers, particularly in highly populated ​regions like T-Series from India. Nonetheless, English ​content creators such as MrBeast have the potential to ​accumulate subscribers worldwide.

  • Trends in Subscriber choices
  • Earnings & subscriber base

Currently, the Entertainment category is ​experiencing a surge in popularity. The most ​successful Youtubers in this segment are generating ​substantial revenue through the creation of amusing, ​engaging, animated content in form of videos and ​shorts.

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While KIMPRO and DaFuq!?Boom! are top earners with ​massive following, it's important to note that they do not ​rank within the top 10 YouTubers with the highest ​subscriber base. This indicates that other factors are at ​play in generating revenue that may include watch time, ​target audience, Recommendations, Promotion & ​Marketing among others.